This Mitsubishi G4M bomber lies in 15m of water near Ettea in the Chuuk Lagoon. It is 20 metres (65 feet) long. The average vis is 20 metres (65 feet) The craft is broken but in an upright position. The engines are 50m away from the starboard. There are glassfish housed in the fuselage and the coral growth is impressive. The cockpit is intact The craft itself garnered the nickname '�Betty' from the Allies. It was powered by two 1,850hp Mitsubishi Kasei 22 14 cylinder two-row radial engines and a wingspan of 24.9 metres - 19.6 metres in length. Guns clocked: 7.7 mm gun in the nose, 20 mm gun in dorsal turret and 20 mm guns in the tail and beam windows as well as 1,000 kg of bombs. Max speed is reported to be 455 km/h with 5,000km range. The problem with these craft earning them the nickname of; one-shot lighter or Flying Cigar was the lack of protection versus the flammable load so when it was struck it simply went down. The wings are still intact. The dive is normally done in conjunction with the "Emily" Flying Boat.
Unit Settings
Terrain and Features: | Wreck |
Entry Type: | Boat |
Max Depth: | 15m |
Visibility Range: | 10m - 30m |
Experience Level: | Beginner |
Best Gas: | 21% O2 |
Unit Settings
Unit Settings
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