SuBaia Diving Center is located in Baia, western the Gulf of Naples, in "Campi Flegrei" area , famous commercial and military center of the ancient Rome ; nowadays well known location especially to the nautical tourism.The wonderfull Archeological Marine Park with its underwater ancient roman ruins ; the amazing bottoms of the Gulf of Naples and of Procida, Ischia, Capri Islands as well as of the Coast of Sorrento, allow them to do unique scuba dives. This is the reason why the TGI Diving Sorrento's team, decided in the 2012 to start to operate here after the experience in Massa Lubrense, on the coast of Sorrento, with the Punta Campanella diving center.
Subaia Diving Center has not specified details regarding their offered services.
Subaia Diving Center has not disclosed information about available certifications and courses.