The enchantment of discovery, the accelerated beat, the muffled sounds ... Only those who have tried these sensations all together, passing from the heaviness of the equipment to the sudden lightness of the gentle movements suspended in the water, can understand how many emotions are hidden in the only moment that divides the exterior from the depths, the air from the water, being ordinary men from being the explorers of a submerged world, that moment in which the view of the raft is abandoned and the descent into the abyss begins.With Blue Dolphins you will have the opportunity to experience the suggestion of a new experience, to impress exceptional images in your mind and to savor the taste of an ever new adventure. The disruptive cheerfulness, the always reliable professionalism and the availability of all the staff will be able to accompany you step by step to discover uncontaminated depths, seductive and suggestive charm.
Blue Dolphins Diving Center has not specified details regarding their offered services.
Blue Dolphins Diving Center has not disclosed information about available certifications and courses.