"Born too late to explore the lands, born too early to explore the space, but born at the right time to be exploring the underwater!!"" Well, the team at Temple Adventures on the East Coast of India are doing this on a regular basis, and are taking divers to see these new discoveries daily. Continuing the research and discovery projects of Graham Hancock, they have been diving here since 2007 and have found both amazing reef and marine life, and located and mapped ancient areas of land and structures up to 25,000 years old.They are India's first and only East Coast PADI Scuba Diving Center, based in beautiful Pondicherry, where they like to "Give time an underwater break"! Currently diving at more than 20 underwater sites ranging from 12m to 50m depth, with average ocean temperatures of 28 C and visibility up to 30M. They provide training and certification in all PADI scuba diving courses such as Open Water, Advanced, Deep, Nitrox and Divemaster, plus will guide qualified divers through some of the amazing dive sites in the area.
Temple Adventures has not specified details regarding their offered services.
Temple Adventures has not disclosed information about available certifications and courses.