Maybe the most beautiful diving point of the Cobanos beach, this place is popular with manta rays. Also recently found many schools of barracuda that frequent the area. This site contains coral reef attractions with plenty of wildlife such as fish of all colors and sizes --- Arrecife, quiza el punto de buceo mas bello de la playa los cobanos, este lugar es muy frecuentado por mantarallas. Tambien recientemente se han encontrado muchas escuelas de barracudas que frecuentan la zona. Este lugar contiene arrecife de coral asiq atrae a mucha fauna como pescados de todos los colores y tamaños.
Unit Settings
Terrain and Features: | Night, Rock, Reef |
Entry Type: | Boat |
Max Depth: | 60m |
Visibility Range: | 10m - 30m |
Experience Level: | Beginner |
Best Gas: | - |
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