Red Cliff is a recreational diving site suitable for divers of all experience levels. This site offers an easy and relaxing dive in a depth range of 12-18 meters, making it a relatively shallow dive, ideal for beginners and individuals seeking a calm, unhurried exploration under the sea. The visibility at the Red Cliff dive site is generally good. Approximate minimum visibility is around 9 meters, offering a clear view of the underwater world. On a good day, maximum visibility can reach up to 27 meters, allowing divers to take in an even broader scope of their surroundings. Remember to always check local conditions before your dive.
Unit Settings
Terrain and Features: | Other |
Entry Type: | - |
Max Depth: | 18m |
Visibility Range: | 9m - 27m |
Experience Level: | Beginner |
Best Gas: | 21% - 50% O2 |
Unit Settings
Unit Settings
Although we currently lack information on specific hazards at this location, their absence cannot be assumed. Your knowledge and experience with this dive site could greatly enhance our page – we invite you to share your insights.