Diver's Depot, established in 1974, was one of the FIRST SEVEN 5 Star Career Development Centers in the world and the only one in the Ark-La-Tex. ?Sally and E.K. Sowell are owners of Diver's Depot and PADI Course Directors. EK has been a member of PADI since 1974, and Sally has been a member since l976. EK and Sally have been teaching diving at Stephen F. Austin State University since 1974. Currently, Sally Sowell is the director of the SCUBA program as an SFA faculty member, and E.K. is a retired member of the teaching faculty. E.K. is also the recipient of the Texas Governor's Business Award, a Charter Member of the PADI Retail Advisory Committee and a recipient of the PADI Teaching Excellence Award.
Divers Depot has not specified details regarding their offered services.
Divers Depot has not disclosed information about available certifications and courses.