Dive Munda is a multi award winning SSI Instructor Training Centre in the Western province of Solomon Islands committed to sustainable dive eco-tourism. Scuba dive unexplored reefs, WWII history, Kastom culture, hard and soft coral, cuts and caverns along with pelagic life and shark action, all in one of the last wild frontiers left on planet ocean.We have a rich history and have been an integral part of the local Munda community since 1991 when dive couple extraordinaire, Dave and Mariane Cooke chose Munda and Agnes Lodge as their next stop in an incredible journey diving all over the world. Dave and Mariana, in conjunction with lodge leadership and several local Dive Masters they personally trained (the late Lesley Leve, Joseph Tasker and Julius Kera – still at the lodge - to name a few); gradually build up the very successful Dive Munda. The team found and named all the sites we enjoy diving today: Shark Point, Top Shelf, Mushroom Island, Susu Hite, Eagles Nest, Aussie Point, Rainbow Passage, the Douglas Dive Bomber, the Cave of the Custom Shark, and the list goes one! Their true passion for the Roviana people and culture and belief that Munda offers world class diving still inspire and drives us today! Dave remained part of our group of companies and maybe you will be lucky enough to catch him in the water with us on one of his visits from Honiara.
Dive Munda has not specified details regarding their offered services.
Dive Munda has not disclosed information about available certifications and courses.