Aquatours is one of the first dive operators in the City of Puerto Madryn on the shores of Golfo Nuevo. More than 20 years in the activity endorse a wide experience in the provision of nautical services, either to certified divers, underwater baptisms, diving courses at all levels, special services and SNORKELING AND DIVING WITH SEA LOBOS. Aquatours is a diving operator registered in the Province of Chubut, Argentina. It has been chosen by groups of national and international documentalists and scientists. It is also the first and only 5 star PADI Resort. Committed to the marine environment, we instruct divers in the care of marine fauna and to be part of the Project Aware Foundation and own projects such as "Clean beaches clear waters" in conjunction with the Directorate of Tourism and the Directorate of Environment of the Municipality of Puerto Madryn.
Aquatours Buceo has not specified details regarding their offered services.
Aquatours Buceo has not disclosed information about available certifications and courses.